🍾 🏆 🥇🔬CLINIC’N’CELL SAS has just obtained the renewal of its CIR approval for 2023 – 2024 and 2025. A great recognition from the General Direction of Research and Innovation of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research

This clinical innovation provides robust human data regarding the health benefits of a product in faster, more affordable and more mechanistic ways (mode of action in humans) than any conventional clinical trial. Using human metabolites (circulating and bioavailable bioactives) this approach is more physiological than any in vitro test. The approach is also intended to be ethical since it allow to get rid of an animal experimentation. #clinicncell #clinic’n’cell

CLINICNCELL proud winner 2022 NutraIngredients Europe Awards – Start-Up 🏆🥇🔬🧪🧬🍾

We are very pleased to announce that

CLINICNCELL is the proud winner of the 2022 European Contest NutraIngredients Europe Awards

for the category Start-Up of the year 2022.🏆🥇🔬🧪🧬🍾 @NutraEurope and #NIawards22.

We would like to thank the organizing committee and the referees for evaluating and selecting our clinical ex vivo approach 🙏. We also would like to congratulate the other finalists that made the level of the contest so high.

We are very excited to attend the awards ceremony on May 11th in Geneva during Vitafoods 2022 the world’s nutraceutical event. Hope to see you there.

#nutrition #innovations #clinicncell

WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Ex Vivo, a novel rapid testing technology that can demonstrate health benefits and validate clinical investments, impressed the judges the most. ClinicnCell’s potential impact on consumer health, innovative approach linking human metabolism to cellular biology, long-term vision, and commercial viability strongly resonated with the judging panel, making it the clear winner of the Start-up of the Year category


CLINICNCELL finalist NutraIngredients Europe Awards 2022 🏆🔬🧪🧬

CLINICNCELL is proud to be finalist of the 2022 European Contest NutraIngredients Europe Awards for the category Start-Up. In a sport spirit we wish best luck to the two others selected finalists 👍.

Winner will be celebrated on May 4th. 🏆🍾 #nutrition #innovations

ClinicnCell SAS proposes Ex Vivo Clinical Trials linking human metabolism to cellular biology. ClinicnCell is an academic-developed and protected innovative clinical approach that uses human circulating bioactive metabolites to determine their biological activity on any human cells. Thus, ClinicnCell provides robust human data regarding the health benefit of a nutritional product in more rapid (about 5-10X faster), more affordable (about 10X less expensive) and more mechanistic ways (mode of action in human) than any conventional clinical trials.

Using bioavailable human metabolites, ClinicnCell approach is more physiological than any in vitro assays. It also addresses ethical issues avoiding animal testing for physiological and mechanistic exploration.

CLINIC’N’CELL est lauréate de la Bourse French Tech BPIFRANCE 2021 🏆

Merci à Bpifrance Loire-Auvergne de contribuer à rendre notre INNOVATION CLINIQUE EX-VIVO encore plus performante en élargissant le champ des possibles #biotech ; #medtech 🔬. Clin d’oeil à Busi by Clermont Auvergne Innovation pour leur accompagnement.

Actuellement, quand une PME, TPE ou un grand groupe de l’industrie agro-alimentaire souhaite démontrer le bénéfice potentiel d’un nouveau produit, il engage une démarche R&D qui commence par des investigations in vitro qui sont généralement suivies par un travail chez l’animal pour enfin aboutir à une étude clinique chez l’humain. La réalisation de cet enchainement est évidemment conditionnée par l’obtention d’un « GO » à chaque étape. Pourtant chaque étape est tout à fait distincte ; un « GO » à une étape ne présage pas d’une réussite à l’étape d’après. Clinicncell.

C’est pour répondre à cette problématique que nous avons créé Clinic’n’Cell  (https://clinicncell.com/). Cette start-up créée le 16 mars 2020 développe une approche clinique ex vivo mise au point dans le cadre de recherches académiques réalisées par l’INRAe. Elle vise à évaluer les effets des aliments et des nutriments sur la santé humaine.

La pertinence des résultats Clinicncell est fondée sur l’utilisation de matériels humains (sang, métabolites, cellules) pour un coût bien souvent inférieur à celui d’une expérimentation chez l’animal.
